

Restaurant zur Ilge

Klein Twann 8

2513 Twann - Ligerz


How to reach us

Public transport


Tickets & Information

SBB - Buy Travelcards


From Bern

By train to Neuchâtel. There you change trains and take the RBS Regio Railway in the direction of Biel / Bienne to Twann. From here you can reach the Restaurant zur Ilge in 5 minutes on foot.

From Biel

Take the RBS Regio Railaway to Twann. From here you can reach the Restaurant zur Ilge in 5 minutes on foot.

By car

From Bern

From Kirchenfeldbrücke, Thunstrasse and Ostring/Route 6 take A6. At junction 38-Schönbühl use the right lane to follow the signs for E27/A6 in the direction of Biel/Bienne/Schönbühl. Take Route 5 to Im Moos in Twann-Tüscherz



From Biel

Murtenstrasse, Johann-Verresius-Strasse, Bahnhofplatz and Aarbergstrasse to Ländtestrasse. Follow Route 5 to Im Moos in Twann-Tüscherz, leave Route 5

Where we are

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Opening Hours

Thursday - Saturday
11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
6.p.m. to 23.30 p.m.
11.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Evening Closed

 Monday - Wednesday the restaurant is closed

Restaurant zur Ilge

Klein Twann 8

2513 Twann-Ligerz


Tel. +41 32 315 11 36